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Comic Book Pull List: September 18th , 2024

As usual Venom War and Absolute Power dominate my list. Giving the new Ghost Rider comic, “Spirits of Vengeane” a try since it’s a number 1. And I may not have cared for Cody Ziglar’s run on Spider-man: Miles Morales, but I had to grab all the back issues of his current Deadpool run because I. really digged his issue #6. But it’s the Avengers week, so it’s not double I’m pick it up… because Hyperion is coming!

Comic Book of The Week:
The Avengers #18
MacKay / Schiti

We pick up where the last issue left off with Hyperion.. depressed from missing his really, which was created by Myphisto, deciding to hit the Earth like a bullet and destroy it. The issue is split between The Avengers tapping in the other superhero communites to find a non-lethal solutions to the problem, while Sam “Cap” Wilson tracks down Storm to join the team to represent Mutant interest (since they dropped the ball during Krakoa’s massacre), and to replace Thor who needs to go on a leave of absence. Very nice, no action issue showcasing how heroes work together when given enough prep time.

Jed MacKay’s writing is on point, as well as the art from Valerio Schitit. Very solid issue and it’s nice the experience the Avengers outside of jumping from event to event.

Rating: 4/5

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