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Comic Book Pull List: May 29 , 2024

This week was my typical pull list: A bunch of Marvel comics… with a Batman comic thrown in for spice. In the Marvel bunch, we got a couple “Blood Hunt” tie-ins, a good number of Spider comics, and the final wrap up to the X-Men ‘Krakoa Era’. But Zdarsky and Acuña dropped the final issue of their Avengers Elsworlds comic, so you know that had to be my pick of the week:

Comic Book of The Week:
Avengers: Twilight #6
Zdarsky / Acuña

So, we’ve finally reached the final showdown between the The Defenders and Red Hull’s forces for the soul of America. I don’t want people to get the wrong idea when I say this final issue is your typical 6th issue wrap up. I loved this entire issues, it just felt very ‘paint by numbers’ in the story area, and wrapped up pretty quickly. The coolest thing is we get additional help on both sides. The Red Skull brings a brainwashed Hulk to the party, while Iron Man reveals The Wasp had been with their son the whole time (tinily in a ring the son was wearing). We can predict how the story ends. The good guys find a way to pull it out, but not without casualties. And in the end we get a flash foward on how the country is rebuilding.

As usual, great writing from Chip Zdarsky and GREAT artwork from Daniel Acuña. You couldn’t ask for more. I wish we could’ve extended this final batter a little bit more. I’m guessing this will read better as a 6-issue trade. I’m betting the pacing will feel alot better reading the entire story at once and not week to week.

Rating: 3.5/5

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