This was a week full of ‘go home’ tie-in issues for Marvel’s Blood Hunt event, a few Wolverine one-shots just in time for Deadpool vs. Wolverine dropping later this month, and i found a nice indie double shot Dracula: After Man that i really enjoyed. But the surprise winner in my stack comes from DC! It’s been a long time since i’ve been excited for a DC event, mainly because I feel so lost in their continuity… rebooted or otherwise. But what few pre-comics for Absolute Power i’ve read have been hinting so something pretty exciting, and now it’s here. So of course my pick of the week has to be:
Comic Book of The Week:
Absolute Power #1
Waid / Mora / Sánchez

I’ve had a weird relationship with DC Comics. I love a lot of the characters, but i hate the constant continuity shifts. Anytime I try to get immersed in their world, they seem to reshuffle the deck making me feel i need to start over again. But there have been a few events that i really got into (DC vs. Vampires, DCeased, Earth 2). But things like Death Metal, Blackest Night, and anything Crisis always made me feel like i was missing a lot of cool moments because I didn’t know the deep cuts of the lore. But when I heard that DC was going to a parallel universe that will run alongside the main continuity.. just scaled down a bit, I felt like this might be a good jumping on point.
“Absolute Power #1” marks the beginning for DC’s ambitious new imprint, “Absolute Comics,” which echoes Marvel’s acclaimed “Ultimate Comics” line. Written by Mark Waid and illustrated by Dan Mora, this inaugural issue sets the stage for a fresh, contemporary reimagining of DC’s iconic characters and storylines.
Again, I don’t a lot about the state of DC get the full scope of whats going on, but I know the key heroes and villains involved so it’s just enough for me to follow. Apparently Amanda Waller is hatching her master plan to capture and control meta-humans by using an assortment of villains from different rogue galleries. The great hook to start the comic is Superman being shot with some type of weapon, causing him to lose his powers. If Waller has that kind of power, then the Justice League is in major trouble.
Waid’s writing has been hit or miss for me in the pass. This issue here is a definite hit! Mora’s art is great to look at. His action and facial expressions are very cinematic, which helps convey to the seriousness to this event.
“Absolute Power #1” feels familiar, as there are elements of Marve’s ‘Civil War’, ‘Secret Empire’ and ‘Infinity’. I might not be cool to compare, but that’s enough to get me in the door to follow this. Who knows, when this is over it might give me enough interest to invest time in DC proper.
Rating: 3.75/5
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