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Comic Book Pull List: August 28th , 2024

This week was dominated by Venom and Absolute Power comics. But my pick of the week came out of nowhere, with a cross-IP book that I would’ve just skirted by… if it wasn’t created by the Secret Wars combo of Hickman and Ribić! Of course i’m talking about…

Comic Book of The Week:
Aliens vs. Avengers #1
Hickman / Ribić

Real talk… normally, I see these ‘cross-property’ comics and just skip past them. I’m a suck for comic continuity, so when i see these ‘elseworlds’ stories that have no influence on the main Marvel 616 timeline, I perceive them to have no importance so i don’t read them. But first seeing the stunning cover by Esad Ribić and them gazing up to the left corner and seeing the name of Jonathan Hickman, I immediately got those chills from my first read-through of 2015’s Secret Wars. So, i had to pick it up. Still, my expectations were low. But what i preceded to read was the start of what could be an epic story with major ramifications.

I the near futures, some rogue Wayan Corporation Androids were running secret experiments with Xenomorph eggs, infecting beings and sending the infected to unsuspecting planets. The Wakandans com to stop them, but it’s too late. The Infected are sent to earth and ravage the planet. We pick up with what was left of the Avengers, still led by Captain Marvel trying to find a way to defeat them. I won’t go too much into the rest of the plot becaause it gets real good!

Hickman’s writing is still top notch. Although he lost me with most of the X-Men Krakoan Era, he’s proven that he’s still the man with great ideas and the ability to executive them better than most writers. Esad Ribić’s art still screams ‘major event’ status, and he totally delivers on his scratchy, yet detailed style. He never misses.

I’m guessing for me, this will be my one ‘must-read’ book of the moment. Like always, Hickman knows how to get up an comic event. This is prime Marvel goodness. A Must read.

Rating: 4/5

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