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Is The CW’s Gotham Knights Dead On Arrival? Or Can It Live Long Enough To Defy Expectations?

As the Arrowverse slowly dies from cancellations due to the new direction at Warner Bros., no one expected Gotham Knights to see the light of day. Focusing on the children of famous heroes and villains who are framed for the murder of Batman, this show (for some reason) has similar themes as the 2022 video game of the same name, which was released to mixed reviews. After watching the pilot, I have to ask "who is this show for"? It feels like every of CW Arrowverse show, even though it's been proven by cancellations that the show's 'Arrowverse formula' has run…

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Limited Series of The Moment: The Swarm

Whales sink boats, shellfish poison a coastal town. In this adaptation of Schätzing’s novel, nature seems to be taking its revenge. A research team becomes the last hope – not only fighting this threat, but also corrupt corporations and politicians.

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Revisiting my Favorite Doctor Who: Eleven and The Ponds

The 2005 reboot of Doctor Who is one of my favorite tv shows of all time. My favorite Doctor/companion combo has to be The Eleventh doctor and Amy Pond. The Pond era was excellent for all of Stephen Moffet's twists and turns (some say a bit too much, though). The secret of River Song, the family dynamic, the whole "Silence will fall" storyline, and even the heartbreaking finale of their journey.. it was all soooo good. Like most people, for the longest time, David Tennant's Tenth Doctor was my favorite, and his short single season run with Donna Noble was…

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ToddyAwards2022: Binge ReWatch of The Year

I don't know why I can't get enough of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It was the first MCU-centric television show out the gate. But over the years and after more popular shows release on Neflix, Disney+ and other streaming services, AoS has become something of a bastard stepchild compared to the other shows. It doesn't help that the people at Marvel are very ambiguous on whether this show is even canon with the movies (at this point the consensus is probably "no"). In truth, this show is hands down my favorite of the MCU shows, even after all these years.…

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I Miss The Hayday of The Arrowverse

Back in the day when the DCEU was stumbling its way trying to catch up to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, CW's Arrowverse was the default universe for DC Comic adaptations. Starting with the first show Arrow, the television universe expanded with seven more shows, and gave us a few major crossover events similar to comic book events. Now, with DC and Warner Bros. wanting to focus on rebooting their cinematic universe, all the CW shows have been cancelled (with just Flash and Superman: Lois and Clark still remaining).  I can't wait for what DC does with the new DCEU under…

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ToddyAwards2022: Shows

To say that 2022 was the year that streaming and television shows surpassed motion pictures in quality and quantity is an understatement. In the aftermath of the 2-year COVID lockdown, a lot of media companies pushed their prime content to television to satisfy their captive audience. And with the proliferation of streaming services, the need to release content to counteract churn has sent a flood on shows that make it almost impossible to watch everything you think is interesting. Normally for these lists, I like to keep it to a tight "10" picks. But in 2022, containing yourself to that is…

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