A critically acclaimed sci-fi television series that aired from 2015 to 2021, The Expanse is set in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system, the show begins with a delicate balance of power among Earth, Mars, and the Belt—an asteroid belt housing various colonies. The narrative kicks off with the mysterious disappearance of Julie Mao, which triggers a series of events that unravel deep-seated political tensions and hidden agendas across the solar system.
The series follows three main storylines that eventually converge. First is the crew of the Rocinante, a former Martian gunship, led by James Holden. Their discovery…
We got some final issues to Marvel's Blood Hunt tie-in books, DC's Absolute Power event kicking into full swing, and a great first issue of Jed McKay's post-Krakoan X-Men title. Even though the week was pretty good. Nothing really seemed to stand out of the list. But after a couple of days of thinking about it, I have to say the book that's stayed on my mind after reading has to be...
Comic Book of The Week:
The Ultimates #2
Camp / Frigeri / Blee
When I heard Jonathan Hickman wouldn't be writing this issue, i lost all confidence in this book.…
I don't want to be an artist, go on tour and make a video and wear sexy clothes. I would just love to make music.
Rashida Jones
Love Me Or Hate Me
Raised in Jamaica Queens, New York, Focus The Truth is fond of cartoons and Hip Hop. Focus uses his love of visual and creative arts to recreate lyrical experiences that transcend generations. MC'ing since the age of 14, Focus has learned the power of lyrics and how they can be used to deliver a message, rather than present largely untrue tales to reinforce stereotypes like a lot of Hip Hop these days. His tenacity in the music industry is a force to be reckoned with. He started out his career battle rapping and writing poetry.
Until The Quiet Comes (Sean-Touré Remix)
How you act, walk, look and talk is all part of Hip Hop culture. And the music is colorless. Hip Hop music is made from Black, brown, yellow, red and white.
Afrika Bambaataa
Fitness professional and trainer who runs Q-Flex Fitness with the intention of bringing motivation, intensity, happiness, education, inspiration, togetherness, and love of oneself to being healthy and fit. She had a popular Vine account as well.
Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.
Albert Einstein