Falling Skies opens six months after Earth is overrun by extraterrestrial invaders known as the Skitters and their mechanized drones, called Mechs. Civilization has crumbled, and scattered survivors band together to resist the occupation. At the story’s heart is Tom Mason, a former history professor turned reluctant leader in the fight for humanity. As the second-in-command of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment, Mason balances the military resistance with protecting his three sons, each deeply affected by the invasion. Falling Skies blends the gritty realism of war dramas with the imaginative intrigue of science fiction. The show explores themes of resilience, family, and sacrifice as the survivors struggle to reclaim their planet. Over five seasons, it unveils shocking revelations about the invaders’ true motives, humanity’s untapped potential, and the strength found in unity. Praised for its emotional depth and action-packed storytelling, Falling Skies remains a notable entry in the alien invasion genre.