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After 2 Years of Looking, I Finally Got My Hands on A Playstation 5

I haven’t been a part of Camp Playstation since I got the PlayStation 2 on day one of its releases. From there on, I switched up when Microsoft released the first X-Box and I’ve been in that camp ever since. But I had to admit that Sony has some pretty dope exclusives that i needed to get my hands on. The Last of Us, Parts I and II, The Uncharted Series, The Spider-man Series, etc…

So I finally bit the bullet and ordered my PS5. No it sits next to my TV and I have to be honest… I’m still mostly playing my Xbox Series S. For no other reason than I have over 400+ games in their ecosystem, and any games I can get on both platforms I’ll probably just buy on the Xbox to keep most games together. The PS5 will probably just be for Sony exclusives. But time will tell.